Corporate Structure
To become a PERSBEH member, a researcher must make a written application to the Steering Committee explaining his/her interest in becoming a member, accompanied by an up-to-date resume. His or her research must reach the scope of men's health and well-being and he or she must adhere to the guiding principles of the Pole. In addition, the researcher must have a university affiliation as a regular or associate professor. The PERSBEH, which aims to bring together Quebec research expertise in men's health and well-being, does not require a minimum percentage of research time to be invested, except for specific projects when required by research funds. Are considered student members of the PERSBEH, all students whose work is directed by a PERSBEH research member and is related to the field of men's health and well-being. In addition, all interested persons can subscribe to the newsletter and follow the PERSBEH’s work.
Steering Committee
The PERSBEH is governed by a Steering Committee. The latter meets two or three times a month. It is composed of the researcher in charge of the Pole from Université Laval, the officer co-responsible for the Capitale-Nationale's Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres (from the DSM), a researcher from UQAR, a researcher from the Paternity, Family and Society research team (UQO), and a representative of the Regroupement provincial en santé et bien-être des hommes (RPSBEH), a student and a representative of the VITAM – Centre de recherche en santé durable/Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux, the institute to which the Pole is attached. The Steering Committee makes decisions on the Pole's orientations, its action plan, the annual reports to be produced for the MSSS, the budget and the main expenses to be incurred. In addition, it receives and disposes of the Scientific Committee’s reports and recommendations.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the PERSBEH. It meets as required once a week or bi-weekly. It is composed of the scientific coordinator, the student hired to support him/her, the researcher in charge of the Pole and, depending on the availabilities and the issues discussed, the officer co-responsible for the Capitale-Nationale's Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres.
Scientific Committee
A Scientific Committee is set up to evaluate applications for student scholarships, applications for start-up funding and applications for small projects. The Scientific Committee is composed of two researchers who have not applied to the competition, a representative of the Capitale-Nationale's Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres and is chaired by the researcher in charge of the PERSBEH or the scientific coordinator who oversees its operation. The Scientific Committee reports to the Steering Committee. It may also submit to the Steering Committee proposals on the operating mode for the allocation of various funds within the Pôle and on the procedures to be followed. A scoring grid is proposed for each of the funding programs. Each member evaluates the applications, the Committee discusses them and decides on eligibility, if applicable, and on the ranking of the applications. It submits its recommendations to the Steering Committee.